Vegan Menu
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Veganism has been around since 1944, but it’s still a relatively new concept to many people.Remember that going vegan is a learning curve. To live as a vegan in a non-vegan world takes both courage and curiosity.
While no diet can guarantee a long and healthy life, becoming vegan may improve your odds. That’s largely because a vegan diet eliminates a number of unhealthful foods, including red and cured meats—two foods strongly linked to colon cancer.
Vegan Dishes
20. ALU GOBHI - (G, VEGAN) 15,90
Sisältää perunoita ja kukkakaalia + riisi / Beans/ Lentils in sauce + rice
Kik-herneitä kastikkeessa + riisi / Chickpeas in sauce + rice
Vihanneksia, rusinoita, pähkinöitä kookoskastikkeessa + riisi / Vegs, raisins, nuts in coconut sauce + rice
29. VEG. KOFTA (G,VEGAN) 16,90
Kasvis pyörykät tomaatti kastikkeessa + riisi / Vegballs in tangy curry sauce + rice
31. ALU MATAR (G,VEGAN) 15,90
Perunoita ja herneitä currykastikkeessa + riisi / Potatoes and peas in curry sauce + rice
32. RAJMA (G,VEGAN) 15,90
Punaiset pavut curry kastikkeessa + riisi / Red kidney beans in traditional curry sauce + rice
* G= gluteeniton, L= laktoositon, M= maidoton
*Please ask our staff about the ingredients, prior ordering in case of any allergies.